Quantum Conversations With Lauren Galey

Quantum Conversation with Akasha Sananda - Portals of Liberation



Portals of Liberation How To access the PORTALS OF LIBERATION (POL) and become ONE with universal SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS. This is the key to unlock your DIVINE POTENTIAL and to move out of the KARMIC REINCARNATION CYCLE! Access Akasha Sananda's Special Offer http://www.acoustichealth.com/akashaoffer.htm Host Lauren Galey Interviews Akasha Sananda: Akasha Sananda is a spiritual luminary and has fully dedicated his life to the service of humanities self-realisation of Avatar Consciousness. His mission is to humbly serve and assist the evolution of humankind to become fully actualized as selfless, sovereign beings. Known as an Alchemist, Akasha has learnt the Ancient inner Alchemy of Spiritual Liberation under the mentorship of the Himalayan Master, Babaji Nagaraj. Since this time Akasha has continued to be in connection with Babaji and various Himalayan Rishis. These Himalayan Masters are highly evolved immortal beings, who have transcended the elemental nature of gross matter and are the pure embodiment of sou