Quantum Conversations With Lauren Galey

Quantum Conversation with Jeneth Blackert - Activating the Light of the Grand Central Sun



Access Jeneth's Special Offer: www.acoustichealth.com/HCs11jeneth.htm At this time more than ever, we are evolving and expanding the Light more than ever. On this show, happiness researcher and conscious journeyer, Jeneth Blackert, will take you on a deep energetic voyage to living the symphony, synergy and oneness in each moment. You'll learn how to activate the Light from the Grand Central Sun and other planetary frequencies to awaken your inner Knower while unlocking your necessary choice points so you can heal and waken to the next quest in your life. This will be a group activation and we will also take some individuals ready to go deeper. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: www.acoustichealth.com