Quantum Conversations With Lauren Galey

Quantum Conversation with Vox Angelus - The Celestial Frequencies of MU



Access Vox Angelus' Special Offer: www.acoustichealth.com/HCs11vox.htm Celestial Light Frequencies of MU: The Path to Personal & Planetary Healing Vox Angelus has a gift to share with our listeners. It is not strictly knowledge, but a transmission and activation that is life altering, for those whom are answering the Call to align with their true nature. Even if they don’t clearly understand what that means by definition, they are seeking something their inner sight or intuition is alluding to — their greater essence of Being that is arising. And this gift is of benefit to everyone, even for those whom feel they are well on their way to a clear understanding of who they are, what they do, and how they serve. It will release resistance, initiate heightened awareness, and begin to transform the initiate. The alchemical process is initiated through transmission of the *Aka Dua*, Egyptian for “Unity Uttermost Shown”, an ancient shamanic energy current said to originate from the time of the legendary Atlant