Quantum Conversations With Lauren Galey

Quantum Conversation with Patrick Prohaska - Thrive Energetics for Empowered Love, Sex and Romance



Access Patrick Prohaska's Special Offer http://www.acoustichealth.com/patrickoffer4.htm Empowered Love, Sex & Romance Ahead of Valentine's Day, we are talking with Patrick about intimacy and vulnerability. It seems that just as were on the cusp of a cosmic shift, many of us are feeling a sense of deep vulnerability (and sometimes overt fear), and some are shutting themselves off because of the pain of vulnerability. But there’s no true intimacy without vulnerability. Experience a session of Thrive Energetics to remove blocks and belief systems that are keeping you from experiencing Empowered Love, Sex. This session offers an infusion of Self-Love. Self-love and a sense of self-worth are the foundation of all happiness and fulfilment. Patrick offers subconscious reprogramming and a powerful activation process to wash away any and all blocks you may have to accepting and receiving love. REGISTER FOR ALL Quantum Conversations : FREE www.acoustichealth.com