Quantum Conversations With Lauren Galey

Healing Conversation with Peter Sterling on Divine Flow



  World-renown harpist Peter Sterling has been following his inner guidance since his grandmother first taught him how to Soul Travel. After a divine encounter with his angelic guides while living outdoors in the Red Canyons of Sedona, Arizona, Peter was shown his role on this planet as a harpist who allows  divine flow to  play through in music. He performed his first album within 10 months of first picking up the harp and later earned the Top #1 ranking for new age stringed instrumental music. Peter candidly shares his story of how he's dedicated his life to listening to his angelic guides who've revealed to him the musical codes that help with human ascension ahead of 2012.  He says they've also showed him what's coming up during this changing of Ages and what we need to do to prepare for it.