Quantum Conversations With Lauren Galey

Crop Circles, UFOs and the Norway Blue Spiral



The teachings of the Ageless Wisdom by Alice Bailey and Benjamin Creme are discussed in this next Healing Conversation with my guest Richard Larson. Crop circles have been appearing around the world for decades, but in recent years they have become more numerous and more beautiful and complex. Can they possibly be made by pranksters, or is their explanation more mysterious? Counselor and educator Dick Larson, a long time student of the Ageless Wisdom teachings, says they are linked to an unprecedented planetary event that is just now taking place – the public emergence of the World Teacher for the Aquarian age. Larson will reveal: • Who creates the crop circles • How and why they do it • Who the World Teacher is and why he’s come now • Who the Teacher has come to help • What the Teacher’s presence means for our future