Quantum Conversations With Lauren Galey

Contact Has Begun - James Gilliland



Join us for a powerful Healing Conversation with James Gililand - Founder of ECETI Ranch in Trout Lake, Washington. ECETI - Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestial Intelligence. We'll be talking about the Oil "Volcano" in the Gulf and the coming changes for Earth. We'll also learn WHY so many ETs from various parts of the universe are assisting us at this time. Most recently James has been featured in John Savages' and Michael Knight's documentary "Contact Has Begun" His Story with James Gilliland. James Gilliland plays the key figure in the movie documentary, Contact Has Begun. This movie is also featured in, The Viel is Lifting, and the new soon to be released movie, Thrive. He has appeared on The Coast to Coast AM Show, has been a frequent guest on the Jeff Rense Sightings on the Radio, Laura Lee Show, Millennium Mysteries, Sean David Morton and Shine Talk where he demonstrated charging 9 batteries in a row by merely holding them, and other to numerous to mention radio shows. He has been a speaker at many