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You have to be a leader | Jess Bolden coach and analyst



Title: You have to be a leader | Jess Bolden coach and analyst Guest: Jess Bolden - Coach and analyst for PENTA Rainbow Six Siege Twitter: @jessica_r6s Twitch: Instagram: @jessbolden Highlights: Educated as a criminology specialist Got into playing games on PlayStation 2 through her dad. While at school she bought Rainbow 6 Siege for her rent money. Switched from console to PC and started her own team. Kept studying during the day and got a bachelor in criminology and justice. Moved to Europe and got the job as analyst for PENTA. Writing a book "The Three P's of Esports". Topics Being alone with your expertise in esports. In esports there isn't really full support staff available to teams. The professionals at the non-playing roles are only just now being developed. The stress of travel, pressure to deliver, getting ready to perform at a moments notice. Why is Rainbow Six Siege is attractive for women. How a background in the military and experience from the Australian online com