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Wouldn't you want as much information as possible | Adam Lobel, Games User Researcher at Ubisoft, Montréal



Title: Wouldn't you want as much information as possible | Adam Lobel, Games User Researcher at Ubisoft, Montréal Guest: Adam Lobel, Games User Researcher at Ubisoft, Montréal Twitter: @GrowingUpGaming YouTube: Highlights: How did a psychology student from Brooklyn end up working in Montreal for one of the biggest game publishers in the world? And what did he do in Geneva and The Netherlands? We discuss whether the invention of Achievements kickstarted User Research in video games. Does the reliance on user data kill creativity and foster things like icon fatigue? Just like any other creative media the tastes of the players change, trends change, and so User Research is constantly needed because the answers are never self-evident. That also means that developers and game studios are constantly experimenting to find the right balance of things. Adam tells the story of how Microsoft and Bungie essentially started the concept of Games User Research with the first Xbox and the ori