Leading In Color With Sarah Morgan

Diversity 365 with Dr. Kimya Dennis (Leading In Color - S1, Ep6)



Dr. Kimya N. Dennis is the guest for this Leading in Color episode. Dr. Dennis is an educator, researcher, consultant, and community advocate specializing in mental health, suicide and suicidal self-harm, law enforcement, criminal justice system, sexual health and freedom, and reproductive health and freedom. This captures contributing demographic and cultural factors, demographic and cultural identities, and legality and illegality. The general population is reached with emphasis on underserved and underrepresented individuals, communities, and cultures. This is Part 1 of 2 featuring Dr. Dennis. Episode 7 will feature the conclusion of the interview. Be sure to listen to both parts to gain full insight into her advice and perspectives. Dr. Dennis advocates for “Diversity 365,” which means looking at diversity from every angle, every day -- not just when negative issues arise or during required annual trainings. The primary takeaways from Part 1 are:   Change begins within. Before you begin working with othe