Bald As Brass

Do I need a wig



This is our very first ever ‘podcast’, which we found to be both scary and exciting! I was interested to reflect on  one aspect of the conversation, where I touch on how we might measure ‘femininity’. It is a testament to the power of social conditioning that my immediate thoughts on this were to see external things like make-up and jewellery as feminine markers and I was pleased to check myself on this front. I don’t think this at all! Isn’t it incredible how sub-conscious thoughts can influence our conscious mind. The most powerful lesson for me as a result of this audio experiment is to understand that it is ok, and indeed vital, to stick with my true values about the importance of character over appearance. It is this conviction which has helped me to develop a sense of strength since losing my hair, and to come back to that place of strength in wobbly moments.