Nonprofit Jenni Show

S4E9 Partnering with AmeriCorps: 3 unique experiences



Learn what it’s like to work with AmeriCorps as an individual or as an organization. Three AmeriCorps alumni share their unique experiences, each serving under a different branch of the AmeriCorps organization. Our guests this episode include:--Michelle Gustafson with Caritas of Austin--Joseph Gutierrez with Maddox Charitable Fund--Savannah Buttery, most recently with a volunteer program called Wwoof Nonprofit Jenni provides consulting services and coaching calls for nonprofits and social impact organizations seeking guidance in the areas of Marketing, Fundraising, Growth, and Starting Up. Visit to learn more. All information in the Nonprofit Jenni Show is very general in nature, and may not apply to your specific nonprofit organization. Please direct clarifying questions to Nonprofit Jenni by visiting Produced by Wayfare Recording Co. Music by Emily Summers. ©2019 Nonprofit Jenni. All Rights Reserved.