Walking Dharma

Episode 26: The Art of Purification



The Art of Purfication. This week's episode explores the concept of saucha (cleanliness; purification). Saucha is the first niyama (ethical observance) as highlighted by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. Purification and cleanliness are an essential component in day to day life. At face value, cleanliness is obvious- bathe regularily, keep your house clean, eat healthy food as much as possible, etc., but if we dig a little bit deeper we begin to see that we can also purify our mind, thoughts, speech and intentions to align with what we want to create within our lives. Our willingness to let go of self destructive habits and choose something better for ourselves (whatever that may be in the moment at hand) is our willingness to remain in clarity- clear about how we are feeling, clear about what will serve us and clear about what will not serve us as well. The more we purify the layers of our being the more attuned we become to ourselves and others. This attunement allows us to dwell and act from our hearts rathe