The Wade Alters Show

116. The 4 Pillars Of Freedom



THESE are the 4 Pillars of Freedom: Location freedom Time freedom Mental freedom Social freedom Instead of chasing the YouTube algorithm to stay on top of getting views and relevancy… I’ve been helping YouTubers turn their traffic into systems that creates a profitable business.  Because traffic and views is only ONE part of the equation that people usually focus on too MUCH…  Imagine going off on a vacation to Italy… cruising the seaside … eating rustic pizza with your girlfriend… And coming back - only to find that your bank account has MORE money in it than before you left.  That’s what setting up a YouTube profile for business success can look like - when you use Lead Magnets, create email lists and funnels to optimize your business.  I’ve been transforming the biz into a Copywriting & Advertising agency over the past year, working with all sorts of cool YouTubers as clients. That includes Pro Home Cooks (1.4M subs), Video Creators TV (484K subs), and Chris Winter (396K subs).  So check out this wee