North Pointe Lincoln Sermons

When We Want Justice | Devotional



After the shootings in Dayton and El Paso and reports of human trafficking by Jeffery Epstein, we can wonder, "How long has this kind of disregard for human life been going on?" Sadly, this tragic behavior dates back to the beginning of time when humanity decided to reject God. Rejecting God gives us license to do whatever we want. This past Sunday, in Genesis 34, we read the account of a sexual assault. Sadly, the victim's father responded with passivity, while the victim’s brothers responded with revenge. Neither were good responses. In looking for a right response, we look to Jesus. At His crucifixion, He was neither passive nor vengeful. Yet, when we read Isaiah's prophecy made hundreds of years before Jesus’ birth the prophet promised that Jesus would bring justice on the earth. I invite you to read those words in Isaiah 42:1-4. Notice that Jesus doesn't resort to yelling or violence, but He is resolute in His promise to bring justice on the earth. As we seek to be His h