Franchise Interviews

Franchise Interviews Meets with the Body20 Franchise Opportunity



We have a great show today. We are meeting with Chris Pena (CMO) as well as Crystal Lizama (the new COO) for Body20. Body20 is leading the Technology Driven fitness revolution and offering franchise opportunities to entrepreneurs in one of the fastest growing industries within the franchising sector. Body 20 offers a low-staffing business model, with fast breakevens and impressive returns.   Body20 was created when founder, Bert Albertse sought out entrepreneurial endeavors and eventually dropped out of college to open a supplements company. Then, in 2014, while in Dubai for a fitness conference, Bert was introduced to the stat-of-the-art Electro Muscular Stimulation (EMS equipment). Amazed by its ability to deliver a whole week's worth of strength training in only 20 minutes, Bert took a soon-to-be father's biggest risk and spent his whole life savings, plus a loan from a friend, to buy a full body stimulation suit.   From there, Body20 was born and within the boutique fitness hotspot's first year