Lois Wetzel, Mfa -mystical Teachings

Stephane Wuttunee talks about The Great Pyramid



Stephane had certain insights during the course of his travels and research, plus wisdom gleaned from Indigenous elders from around the world. These became the basis for his website, Dreaming the Pyramid. The notion behind his theory is that we as well as our family from other stars along with Prime Creator, co-created the Universe and left proof of our divine nature and purpose within the design of Egypt's Great Pyramid. Stephane posits that the Pyramid represents humans as immortal, divine beings. Stephane believes, as Lois does, that it is particularly significant that most of our bodies are made of a liquid crystal matrix--water. (When water freezes, it becomes a crystal!) Lois believes that this is probably more significant than most people can even begin to imagine at this point in time!