Lois Wetzel, Mfa -mystical Teachings

Discoverer of the Bosnian Pyramids - Semir Osmanagic



I am so honored and pleased to be able to bring one of my conversations with Dr. Osmanagich to my radio show! Semir "Sam" Osmanagich has a home and business here in Houston, but spends most of his time in his native Bosnia. Dr. Osmanagich's doctorate is regarding Mayan Pyramids. He discovered one day back home in Bosnia that there were hills shaped exactly like the "hills" in the areas where the Mayan pyramids were located. Many of these pyramids in Mexico and Central America are still covered with earth, grasses, brush and trees. Any one who has ever seen any of these uncovered pyramids can instantly recognize that the "hills" in Bosnia are clearly pyramids still covered by the earth. But since no one believed that it was possible there were pyramids in Europe, no one saw them...not until Dr. Osmanagich did! Each summer he has a summer camp where volunteers come to clear out the tunnels underground that connect the main three pyramids: Pyramids of the Sun, Moon and Dragon. Strange heiroglyphics/writings are