Lois Wetzel, Mfa -mystical Teachings

Extra Terrestrials, Exopolitics and more - Niara Isley



Coming from a spiritual standpoint, Niara will be discussing the necessity of facing and moving beyond our fears to allow our consciousness expansion to continue. At her Encounters with Healing Blog is some of that information. Also, the law of attraction teachings apply... and doing our shadow work and consciously choosing how we wish to reshape our own lives and our world. While most law of attraction teachers focus on people creating personal wealth, great relationships or other personal desires, they don't delve into the world of shadow gov'ts, military-industrial complex conspiracy, these are becoming more apparent and transparent over time. This is a gift, they are being exposed so that humanity can more consciously choose - the collective human shadow revealing itself to be transformed. An understanding of how the gov't-military-industrial complex continually dishes up fear through their controlled media needs to be understood so we can withdraw our vital creative spiritual energy from keeping us