Bernstein Insights

Transformative Power of Blockchain



Episode 3: Blockchain technology is likely to be revolutionary, but does every business with a supply chain really need blockchain? Note to All Readers: Cryptocurrencies are extremely speculative investments that involve a high degree of risk. AB does not currently offer investments directly related to cryptocurrency. The material provided is not intended to be, nor should it be construed or used as an investment recommendation, or an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, an interest in cryptocurrency. An investment in cryptocurrency is not suitable for all investors. The information contained here reflects the views of AllianceBernstein L.P. or its affiliates and sources it believes are reliable as of the date of this video. AllianceBernstein L.P. makes no representations or warranties concerning the accuracy of any data. There is no guarantee that any projection, forecast or opinion in this material will be realized. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The views expressed