Cpa Reviewed: The Cpa Exam Podcast

CPA Exam Failure Pity Party – CPA Exam Podcast #90



Subscribe/Comment/Review*: Apple Podcasts | Google Play | YouTube * (even if you hate it) :) CPA Exam Failure Pity Party - Another71 CPA Exam Podcast #90 - Failed four CPA Exam sections - had a pity party + wake-up call - REG Section 179 - use 2017 or 2018 numbers? - Passed 4/4 CPA Exam sections with NINJA only - Failed FAR (48) & AUD (63) - 72/74 on REG with 18 month window closing - Lack of DRS SIM practice to blame for a 71?   Have a CPA Exam Study Question? Send it below and I'll personally answer as soon as possible.   First Name*Email* Question?*Please tell us about your CPA Exam status.AUD Exam Status*Select OneCurrently StudyingNeed to PassPassedBEC Exam Status*Select OneCurrently StudyingNeed to PassPassedFAR Exam Status*Select OneCurrently StudyingNeed to PassPassedREG Exam Status*Select OneCurrently StudyingNeed to PassPassed