Dr. Carol Francis

Trauma & Abuse Recovery with Chinese Medicine & Accupuncture -Dr. Lori Deutsch



Trauma and Abuse impact our nervous system, cardiovascular system, our biochemistry, as well as our muscles. We become vulnerable to health concerns including fibromyalgia, cancer, infections, and Chronic Fatigue. As we heal our lives, emotions, and personality, we also need to help our body's recovery.  Dr. Van Der Kolk, world-renowned trauma specialist explains that the body's health tracks the trauma, remembering each event physiologically.  So, we need to help our body's heal. We will discuss various perspectives and healing modalities from both western and eastern medical perspectives with expert Dr. Lori Deutsch, D.A.O.M., L.Ac., Dipl. O.M. (FABORM).  Dr. Deutsch is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and a California licensed acupuncturist. She is nationally board certified in Oriental medicine, acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and biomedicine, and a Fellow of the American Board of Oriental and Reproductive Medicine (ABORM). She has a strong practice in functional medicine and nutrition and is c