Speed Manifesting

That's Enough! Secretive barges in San Francisco; knowing your own pivot points



(apoligies for poor quality audio on this show, but it will be worth tolerating it!) In 2013 in San Francisco, news began surfacing about some secretive containers being built. It was an intriguing mystery: workers, Coast Guard and inspectors forced to sign non-disclosure agreements, for what? An Ark? By Google? But you wouldn't believe the name of the company that owns the container barges - sick joke to the state of the world left by corporations? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2483499/EXCLUSIVE-Theyre-multiplying-THIRD-mystery-Google-barge-lurking-San-Francisco-bay-MailOnline-takes-closest-look-secret-party-boats---followed-step-way-security-guards.html Also, here is the link to the patent for floating data centres: https://www.google.com/patents/US7525207 Shows about ways to manifest a New Earth, and what it will take to turn things around for our planet and our people.Gives a grounding for open minded logic and how to apply new concepts to our struggling civilization. Fearlessly and truthfully