Sb Barber Morning Show

12.13! Tues New CommunityView Live at Sammy's Ave Eatery



Business of TuesdayNew CommunityView - Our commentator, VJ receives Little Angel's Ambassador for Peace Award in NYC, Dec. 3, 2016, along with Ambassador to the UN from Angola, UN Ambassador from the Maldives, American Clergy Leadership President Salonge Lewis, & Rev. Samuel Mosteller. Stop in - Talk2Us in person Apostle SB Barber & Commentator Vj Smith, CEO|President of MINNEAPOLIS MAD DADS at Sammy's Ave Eatery.  Watch on Facebook/Youtube GMNLiveTv. GMSbuzz & Guest Contact Link: *For catering inquiries or online orders: Email: Online orders: 3.24-25! 2017 Entrepreneurs of Color Conference & Recognition - Get ready for our conference. Location: University of Minnesota Urban Research and Outreach-Engagement Center (UROC) and Minneapolis Urban League. Thank you sponsors! Sammy's Avenue Eatery, MADDADS, Tri-Construction. Tell them you saw/heard their ad on SB Barber Morning Show.  Apostle|Prophet SB Barber & The Crew take