Sb Barber Morning Show

State of our children reading levels "Hidden Treasure" - CLA: The Right To READ



Our guest is Dr. Sylvia L. Brown shares her insight on the decline in children reading aptitutes & the war they face with Apostle SB Barber | Founder of Campaign Literacy Awareness: The Right To READ, an Initiative of GRACE Media Network -the Legacy. Sylvia L. Brown addresses the '2016 STATE OF LITERACY'. Sylvia L. Brown (SC) is author, reading consultant, motivational speaker and private tutor. Brown states, “Literacy is the most important subject that our children encounter in school. It has proven to be the subject that African American students are ‘suffering’ from...targeted cause for the incarceration of our sons & daughters and the income disparity." Check this link out Graduated with honors from South Carolina State University, and received her Masters Degree from the University of Virginia. She served as a public school speech pathologist for over 26 years, and an elementary school administrator for 4 years. Brown is an expert at