Sb Barber Morning Show

TwinCities #CommunityView - VJ Smith; GMSNewsChannel - King Demetrius Pendleton



Business of Tues New & The Crew. Talk2Us. "CurrentNewsEvents". 9AM Commentator VJ Smith of MADDADS, 9:50AM guest Collin Robinson.  CommunityView - Susan Smith Rotary Club North Mpls, Angela Project Safety Net... Apostle talks w/ Nekima Levy-Pounds Pres of NAACPMpls; Organizer Collin Robinson of Southwest HS. He talks about upcoming rally to Mpls Public Schools Students Walkout to Restore the Vote. He has been selected as the 1st student to be apart of the Minneapolis Public Schools Search Commitee for New Superintendent. Remote from Sammy's Ave Eatery.  GMSbuzz & Guest *Wed., 4.27, 2PM Walkout to Restore the Vote, MLK Park, 4055 Nicollet Ave S, Mpls, MN. *Date change to Sat., 5.14 YiG Stars & Stop bullying Now Movement present RAW REAL REALITY 'Caught in the Cross Fire' LIVE Emergency Broadcast, Harrison Park.  *Sat., 6.4 Stop The Violence, Cub Foods Lot, W. Broadway Ave N., Mpls. *Sat., 7.9 @ Hue-Man Ole 4th Ave South Day Parade and Festival. *Sign Petition Now Voice of Freedom Ntl & I