Sb Barber Morning Show

#EverythingisPolitical - 9AM Mel Reeves & 9:30AM Brett Buckner



Business of Weds Best Resources - Apostle SB Barber - Commentary w/ Mel Reeves 'Judge Scalia, Black Panthers, Self governing/determining' & Brett Buckner 'MN March 1st Caucus'. SBBMS definition of Best Resources are identifiable spiritual & natural suppliers of Resources to elevate & benefit an individual, a community, a nation. Contact: MN Neighborhoods Organizing For Change [NOC] 612-246-3132. Website -NOC March Caucus Training MN Caucus Locations Website Freeman Friday Rally at Mpls Goverment Ctr office of Attny General Mike Freeman re: Justice for Jamar Clark demand - Prosecute the Police. Plus, Call Mondays the following #s 612-348-5550 & 612-348-2136 SBBMS Weds BR @TheTurnTable Playlist: ABradshaw "Revolution". For show Booking/Inquiries contact:  Follow us on Twitter@GMNetwork, Facebook@GMNLiveTv, YouTube@GMNLiveTv, Instagram@GMNLIVETV and Instagram@SbNMepk;;; Get us on iTunes@SBBarberMorningShow.