Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

135. Find purpose: Die or Live!



In each word and section in this book I have been tasked with telling my story so that in case I die in combat my children get a sense of their father. Actually, Stacy pleaded with me for two years to put to words “Who I am and How I am”. Therefore, this project is not simply a day to day recount of what I did, but rather a recalling of what I faced and what I learned in order to teach my children how to Be the men and the woman that lives into the possibilities they create for themselves. The Unbreakable project simply put is creating and finding in you that which is unbreakable. Finally, this project called Unbreakable is a way to make up for being gone 220 days per year for 25 years as a Navy SEAL.  Order Unbreakable This book contains no hidden secrets, rather it is a pain-staking study and practice of what makes for an effective and efficient pursuit of what is best in the human endeavor to transform the genetic traits and perform above and beyond what humans think possible. My children…when you are read