Omnipresence Media

Polymath~Rev. Dr. Phillip Valentine-Hygienic Scientist-Naturopath-Metaphysician


Sinopsis - Dr. Valentine is the founder, director and pastor of the Temple of the Healing Spirit; Self-Healing Education Center, The Institute for Self-Master; and just recently, The University of Kemetian Sciences. A certified member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (I.A.C.T.), he received his doctorate in Hygienic Health Science and Classical Naturopathy from The Life Science Institute of Texas, now merged to the Fit for Life Sciences Institute-College of Natural Health in Canada. A former member of the American Natural Hygienic Society, Valentine is currently a hygienic science and metaphysical health consultant to doctors and lay practitioners as far away as Azania (South Africa), Canada, Trinidad, Jamaica, England, Ghana, Japan and the Philippines. For five (5) years, Dr. Valentine served as co-director of the Heal Thyself Natural Living Education Center in Brooklyn and helped create, format, refine and teach the 21-Day Therapeutic Fasting/Juice Feasting