Eval Cafe

Episode 21 - Evaluating From The Heart



Episode Notes In this episode, we’re joined by Nora Murphy Johnson, co-founder of Creative Evaluation, which focuses on evaluation for truth, beauty, and justice. In a conversation about evaluation for healing and change, evaluation as sacred work and a noble calling, Nora tells us about the winding path she has taken as an evaluator, how her relationship with her husband, an artist and evaluator himself, informs the work they do together, how she’s working to bring embodiment to her practice and why it matters, and gives us a glimpse into how the first Creative Evaluation cohort is exploring new ways to understand and do evaluation. It’s a beautiful and powerful conversation filled with touching and profound insights on how we can, in Nora's words, do “heart-centred evaluation”. CONTENT NOTE: To help you make an informed decision about when and how you want to listen to this episode, we wanted to let you know that this episode will touch on the death of a young child from illness as well as systemic racist