Strong Female Lead

Ep. 23: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Clementine



On this week's episode, Tessa and Tricia continue their deep dive into the trope of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl with an in-depth look into Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind and the complicated character of Clementine, played by Kate Winslet.  The hosts continue to challenge the MPDG sticker that is placed on any quirky female character that exists outside of the norm, lives freely and god forbid, dyes her hair or has a funky haircut.  Side note; Tessa won’t like it, but she can act as your very own personal Oprah, while Tricia is more than happy to collect and bury your secrets.  Until the next sex toy party...or recording session.     If you'd like to choose a movie for the podcast, leave us a review on Apple Podcast and include your pick there!! Also, keep up with all things SFL by following us @StrongFemalePOD on Instagram or @SFL_Chicago on Twitter!