Strong Female Lead

Ep. 3: Boy Meets Girl Meets Girl Meets Ben Affleck's Goatee



This week, Tessa and Tricia dive into the utter insanity of Valerian, starring Cara Delevingne, and the 90s hole that is Chasing Amy, starring Joey Lauren Adams and a very R&B Ben Affleck.   They discuss whether the lead characters can be considered SFLs all while exploring the existence of cum guns and a Molly-induced World's Fair.  The merit of Chasing Amy as a progressive film of its time is hotly debated, but the sexiness of a DARE cop in little shorts is something they can all agree on.  Tricia raps and Tessa insists on hearing from you if you enjoy either of these movies in the slightest bit.  Snoochie Boochies.     If you'd like to choose a movie for the podcast, leave us a review on Apple Podcast and include your pick there!! Also, keep up with all things SFL by following us @StrongFemalePOD on Instagram or @SFL_Chicago on Twitter!