Strong Female Lead

Ep. 2: Rom-Com On Why Is This Movie So Stupid



On this week's episode, Tessa and Tricia discuss the SFLs of the rom-com you love to hate, Something Borrowed, starring Ginnifer Goodwin and Kate Hudson. The hosts newly formed relationship is tested as they duke it out over who is the less terrible human: Rachel or Darcy.  Hilary's role as pod mediator is solidified and an off-air kumbaya moment brings everyone back together. If you love rom-coms, this episode is for you. If you hate them, then this episode is definitely for you.   If you'd like to choose a movie for the podcast, leave us a review on Apple Podcast and include your pick there!! Also, keep up with all things SFL by following us @StrongFemalePOD on Instagram or @SFL_Chicago on Twitter!