Strong Female Lead

Ep. 1: Obvious Witch



Tessa and Tricia chat about the SFLs of the heartfelt “abobo” rom-com, Obvious Child, starring Jenny Slate, and the “1989 Tour de Force,” Teen Witch, starring Blake Lively’s older sister.  They discuss whether abortions can be funny and how Tessa isn’t looking forward to getting one.  They also reflect on life in the 80s and examine their own high school experiences, which included “paint it black” mornings, basement parties, and one bulimia bathroom.  Also, Tessa wants to roll in glitter and be done with it. Top that.   If you'd like to choose a movie for the podcast, leave us a review on Apple Podcast and include your pick there!! Also, keep up with all things SFL by following us @StrongFemalePOD on Instagram or @SFL_Chicago on Twitter!