Millennial Manhood

#047 - Darius Moore: Show Love and Patience



Darius E. Moore is a Partnership Manager for PENCIL—a longstanding education nonprofit in Nashville Tennessee. Through his work at PENCIL, Darius strives to bridge the gap between the generosity of volunteers, and the skills and support that the Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) need to help local students grow and succeed. Darius helps to spearhead the Partnership Team’s efforts at PENCIL as they research, recruit, link, manage and maintain relationships from the private sector, other nonprofits, and faith-based organizations; with MNPS to ensure a positive experience for all students and volunteers involved. He has been instrumental in the forming or management of over 400(+) Partnerships to date.  Darius is the son of a retired military vet—his father—and a teacher—his mother—who have been married for almost 40 years. They reside in West Tennessee; where Darius grew up. He is the third of five children, and has two nieces and one nephew. Darius is the proud father of his daughter Lacy, and is eng