Lyons Radio Network

PARTY LINE: Hypochondriac Convention Everyone Called In Sick!



Hypochondriacs and Fibbers Have you ever been to the doctor and been like, “I know what I have. It’s this, I have three weeks to live, goodbye cruel world” and the doctor is like, ‘Take some Advil. You’ll be fine”? Yeah, me neither. Girl: hey what's this weird lump? WebMD: could be cancer. Girl: it's a raisin stuck to my elbow... WebMD: you have two weeks. Oh no, you have raisin elbow? That’s extremely serious. I am so sorry. No one comes back from raisin elbow. What about the people who make it look like they are someone they are not? Online daters tend to do this. They like to inflate themselves-- They use fake pictures and don’t really tell you what they REALLY look like. They show up completely different. I mean who is going to tell you “I am a 400 foot tall purple platypus giraffe with pink horns, silver wings and missing teeth?” Join us and tell us your horror stories! 646-668-8494 live!