Lyons Radio Network

Spiritual Intelligence, Katie Beecher ~ Medical & Emotional intuitive



Katie Beecher, MS, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Medical and Emotional Intuitive with over thirty years of experience.  She has a unique way of working with clients, creating a detailed, extremely accurate, four-page physical, emotional and spiritual report and symbolic painting, before ever seeing them, talking with them or seeing a photograph, using only their name and age.  Katie has had training in art therapy, Jungian Psychology, addiction, sexual abuse counseling, traumatic brain injury, PTSD, educational and psychological testing, special education and much more. She is a Reiki Master and a Certified Medium with Doreen Virtue, Hay House author, medium and Angel clairvoyant. She is a certified Yoga and Art instructor, where Kundalini yoga and art are used together therapeutically. Her accuracy and abilities have been demonstrated in an article in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Healing and Caring in which extensive client surveys, physician and other clinician testimony and me