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EP09 - How To Listen Within with Carrie Schmitt



Do you judge your work harshly? Do you want to create through your intuition, but don’t know how? Carrie Schmitt is a full time artist, art retreat facilitator, and author based in Seattle, WA. She began painting in 2009 after being diagnosed with a life threatening allergy to heat. Bedridden and unable to go outside for months, one day she heard a voice that said, “Now that your life is over, you might as well do what you want and paint.” Thankfully, she listened. In our conversation, Carrie talks about how art saves her every day. How it has brought the most beautiful things into her life – giving her a glimpse of hope amidst the darkness.  Her intuitive painting process is incredibly inspiring. Carrie shares about how we need to stop judging our art as either good or bad, and instead focus on the internal process and create through that place. Because what we create expresses who we are in that moment and the skills we have now, and how that HAS to be good enough. This episode is really going to speak to y