Oxygen For Women With Perry Janssen

One Top Tip for Getting through Conflict and Better Communication EP6



Conflict is inevitable.  And Communication is crucial. However, we are not taught in our education system to work with either. Every relationship has conflict at some point or another and healthy communication can make or break the relationship. One of the most important tips that I see for relationships has to do with assumptions. People assume they “know” the other person and jump to conclusions so quickly that understanding what is really happening in any conflict is much more complicated. In all the years I have been a therapist, I have never found conflict to be a black and white story. People bring their histories, past wounds, and familial patterns into conflict and the ways they communicate. This affects our ability to create understanding between people and shuts down truly listening and seeing the person in more reality.  Healthy communication has the potential to create true connection and a deeper emotional intimacy.  Check out the podcast to learn how to work with conflict and communication i