Word Quota With Bec Mcnew

#21: The Danger of Your Normal



TheNewBec wordquota.com The Lying Tree "Speak your truth," is sort of a buzz phrase lately, and "It's just how I am," is widely accepted. We explore the dangers and accuracy in these statements. "News-flash: I am not the source of life, neither am I the standard." -Bec McNew "Frequency and quantity of expression are not actually equivalent to wellness or truth." -Bec McNew "It’s a daily struggle not to elevate ourselves up as our own little gods, answerable to no-one." -Bec McNew "Is there a regular damage that is being endured because we’ve grown so used to its abuse that we no longer see it as a problem, unaware that we are only moments away from being unable to function? -Bec McNew" Matthe 7:4-5, John 8:31-32 NLT