Word Quota With Bec Mcnew

#14 Give Us Rest



Often we feel as though we have no choice but to live exhausting lives. Rest requires a humility to trust that things can succeed outside of our overrun efforts. TheNewBec wordquota.com The Ink Forge “If busyness is currency, what exactly is the price that we are paying?” -Bec McNew “Rest is wealth.”-Bec McNew “Rest is where our strivings cease.” -Bec McNew “Rest requires humility. " -Bec McNew “Rest is given- it’s a gift of the Lord’s presence, and we will miss out on it if we aren’t obedient to receive it. " -Bec McNew “What functionality are we sacrificing to the false god of efficiency?" -Bec McNew “It can seem so difficult to make a space for receiving- we have exercised accomplishment for so long, resting at first appears to amplify the awareness of how sore we are." -Bec McNew "It takes a decided obedience to exercise our trust and receive the rest that is far beyond ourselves." -Bec McNew “All-night ministry time was sandwiched between two times of unhurried time with God.” -Wes Wille