Word Quota With Bec Mcnew

#13: Adoption and the Gospel



The experience of adopting our son expanded my heart to more fully understand the heart of adoption in the gospel. TheNewBec wordquota.com “Adoption puts the exclamation mark on redemption!” -Bec McNew “God pours out his love generously, and we are able to accept it fully and pleasurably without false humility.” -Bec McNew “God isn’t passing out his benefits on the basis of what is merited, his bestowment of delightful love is not in our accomplishments- it’s on the basis of who we belong to.”-Bec McNew “God looks at those whom Christ’s blood covers and sees us as blood-kin.” “Adoption on Earth is a metaphor that reflects a glint of what takes place in the heavenlies!” John 1:12 (CSB), Ephesians 1:5 (NLT), Galatians 4:4-7 (NLT) Galatians for You by Timothy Keller No Orphans of God by Avalon