Manage Smarter

50 #MONEY: The Money Map every leader should show employees



Michael Houlihan is the co-founder of Barefoot Wine, now, the world’s largest wine brand. He, along with Bonnie Harvey, are consultants, international Keynote Speakers and the New York Times Bestselling authors of The Barefoot Spirit, How hardship Hustle and Heart Built America’s #1 Wine Brand and The Entrepreneurial Culture, 23 Ways to Engage and Empower Your People. In this episode, Audrey, Lee and Michael discuss:·           The definition of The Money Map·           How to get employees to understand where their salaries come from·           How to identify and hire a “hustle” mentality ·           Hiring tips/exercises for rooting out good employees to represent your organization·           The unique concept of a Two-Division Company (Sales and Sales Support)“Then we had to pay our bills and with what was left, we used that to pay the salaries. All of