Eric Angers Podcast

Eric Angers #6 Interview With Jason Roll



Jason Roll is the latest guest on Eric Angers. He is an illustrator who turned down the chance to work at LucasArts to remain with his family and currently works for for Raytheon, a defense contractor. We can't talk about his job, but we do talk about his art. If you're an up and coming artist this is a must listen as we talk about what it takes to be an artist today, living the dream, and pursuing art as a career. If you're someone who needs art for your business or creative pursuits, you should pay attention. A good artist can help you in measurable ways, whether it's branding or world building. A little bit of a bunch of subjects and a solid discussion on Star Wars rounds out this episode of Eric Angers. To see Jason's work visit his deviantart page: or for his more up to date portfolio check out this page: For my post about working with him for my book cover, you can visit my other blog that focuses on my writing: