Force Majeure

Shadows of the Jedi S02 E09 - Reza's Heel



Break time is over for our hapless heroes, and the end of the goal is in sight - Reza's Heel, the golden Hutt statue and the potential super-weapon are just over the next sand-dune. But first, an awakened Imperial droid presents a quandary both ethical and physical! Presenting Episode 9 of the Shadows of the Jedi! Sponsor: This episode's sponsor is the outstandingly good Redemption podcast. Leaders in the field of what makes a great show, and thoroughly lovely people to boot, you should definitely give them a listen! Follow us on social media! Twitter: @forcemajeurepod Facebook: Instagram: forcemajeurepod Online: Email: We have a Discord! Come and join us!  If you like what we do and have some spare money, we have both a Patreon and a Ko-Fi account. We are extremely grateful for your support in bringing you our humble story.  Additional Music: "Floating C