Brandman Speaks

Ep. 1 – Jeremy McKinnon speaks on transitioning veterans



Brandman Speaks sat down with Jeremy McKinnon to talk about some of the challenges facing transitioning veterans today. Jeremy shares his experiences after returning from duty and beginning the next chapter of life as a student. His determination to help fellow veterans has lead him to establish several veterans support groups and programs while he worked through his own transition. Jeremy McKinnon was born in the San Francisco Bay Area. Joining the Marine Corps at nineteen years old he served fourteen months in Fallujah Iraq during 2008/2009 as Personal Security for the command of Multi-National Forces West (MNF-W). Then serving in Afghanistan during 2010 he was part of the Nato Training Coalition at Camp Sha'heen as a military instructor to the Afghani Army troops. Honorably discharged in November 2010, McKinnon has traversed different schools/cities of California and currently resides in Huntington Beach attending Brandman University Irvine Campus. Working as an Intern at the Veterans Legal Institute (Pub