Tales Of Corwin

Chapter Two: Miracle Mark (Part Two)



When Sunday morning rolled around, Mark woke up enthusiastic. “Good morning, happiness,” he said, when he saw that Sandra was already awake. “And a happy Sunday morning!” “Huh,” said Sandra sleepily. “What’s happy about it?” “Oh, I don’t know,” replied Mark, getting up and stretching. “I almost always feel excited about Sunday morning. It’s like I’ve been cooking a fancy meal all week, and now finally I get to put it on the table.” “You’re sweet,” said Sandra. “I used to dread Sunday mornings, myself. When I was a girl, I would lie in bed, hoping my parents would forget to get me up for Mass. I can’t remember that they ever did, though.” “Well,” said Mark, “like I said last night: you’re welcome to sleep in. You don’t have to come to church, just because you’re living with the pastor. Or just because the pastor will be sad and lonely if you’re not there. Don’t give it a thought.” “I won't.” Sandra turned over and pulled the covers over her head. But after a few seconds she poked her head out again, sayin