Walking Dharma

Episode 28: You are Stronger Than You Think.



You are Stronger Than You Think... This week's episode dives into the 'Five Strengths' as highlighted by Pema Chodron in her book The Places that Scare You. The Five Strengths are rooted in Buddhist philosophy and are powerful life changing concepts when we allow them to help guide our day to day lives. The five strengths are essentially heart instructions that when followed allow us adhere to our dharma (spiritual path) and remain steadfast on the journey of self-awakening and helping end suffering in the world. The Five Strengths are: Strong Determination, Familiarization with the enlightenment teachings, belief in the Seed of Goodness within all living beings, Reproach (Course Correction) and Aspiration. We explore how to embody each of the five strengths so that we remain determined on the path to integrate the spritual teachings in order to see the inherent goodness within all of life, correct our course when necessary and keep going onwards, no matter what. The outro music at the end of the podcast