North Pointe Lincoln Sermons

Allowing Spiritual Transformation | Devotional



This past Sunday, we looked at Romans 12 as we talked about the third step in our "Next Steps" series - GROW. Everyone who claims to know Christ as their Lord and Savior is on this journey of growth and no matter where you find yourself on this journey Romans 12 is applicable. As we read what Paul is writing to the Romans, offer yourself to God, submit to him, renew your mind, allow him to transform you, you can know God’s perfect will. Each of these builds on the excitement of what we are doing!! As a community of connected believers, we are growing and we want to invite you to join us on this journey. This week I challenged each of us to read Romans 12 every day, meditating on it and asking God to convict our hearts and submitting our lives to truly live out this passage. Asking yourself are you pretending or do you really love?. Do you hate what is wrong and hold tightly to what is good or do we really know the difference? Have I showed love today and taken delight in honoring each other. Am I