Listen To Alfred

Listen To Alfred - Life In Shaftesbury - Episode 71



This time on Alfred, the podcast for Shaftesbury, The Vale and Chase areas of North Dorset and West Wiltshire: Flash floods turn the Gold Hill 10k run into a water wading challenge. Alfred met organisers and runners on a soggy, foggy Sunday morning and chatted to the fastest woman, who has a strong Shaftesbury connection. (00:27) Alfred meets with Max Lacy, owner of Enmore Green’s Fountain Inn. The pub is set to reopen next summer and we hear about its planned refurbishment. (7:03) Alfred visits the Community Front Room mental health crisis drop-in centre at Longmead. We hear how visitors have already been helped. (15:30) There’s huge support from the public for the policies proposed in Shaftesbury’s Neighbourhood Plan. Alfred speaks with the plan’s vice chairman. (22:43) Sorry About Shaun launch their new EP to coincide with their autumn tour. We hear how the local band aim to make their songs catchy. (30:56)